Encounter the Mystery
God is Holy Mystery, beyond complete knowledge, above perfect description. Yet, in love, the one eternal God seeks relationship.
So, God creates the universe and with it, the possibility of being and relating.
Imagine a safe place and an experience, where you can be fully who you are.

Come in, sit down, be held by the love that will not let you go.

To any experience offered in sanctuary that invites you to the next opportunity to learn and grow and be loved.

In yourself, and the you that you’re becoming. You are beautiful. You are loved. You are part of the whole. Wholly love, Holy Mystery, Holy God.

After you have let Sanctuary on 6th simply hold you in love, you are invited into the next opportunity to learn, to grow, and be celebrated. Some opportunities will be on-line. Some will be in person. As Sanctuary on 6th meets peoples needs where they are, the number of opportunities will increase. Subscribe to our newsletter below to be the first to hear of new programs.

The timeless story of transforming love which began with a baby in a barn is still remarkably good news.”
– Rev. Blair Odney

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
– Maya Angelou